Monday, August 24, 2015

2015-2016 Soph Blog HW #1

Welcome to 10th grade English!

What you are reading is a post that Mrs. P wrote.  Your job is to write a comment.

1.  Tell your name and what period you have Mrs. P's class.
2.  Tell us what your learning style is: kinetic (physical touch), visual, logical (like math), verbal, musical, creative?  Is it a combination?
3.   Have you ever contributed to a blog before? When?
4.  What do you expect to learn and improve on in this class?
5.  Say one thing about yourself you think other classes would like to know.

25 points for this 1st part.

Now.  Once you've done that comment, I want you to read several or many of the other comments the other kids have posted.  Write an encouraging hello.  25 points for your 2 comments.

Where to click: Look for the little green words "comments" below my post, and then look for the little green word "Reply" just below a kid's comment.

If you want to practice on mine, just click it below my comment.